Saturday, February 12, 2011

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Hey there. Well, this past week has been uneventful yet I was still busy. Hmmm... Anyways, you know last Tuesday it iced? Yeah well, last Friday it SNOWED!  And as weird as it may seem to some of you people that live up north, us Texans freak out over snow. Especially 6 inches of it.  And even though it did cancel two of my flights to Colorado Springs, it was lovely.

But why is it so dark in these pictures you might ask? Well, it's dark because it's 7 freaking 30 in the morning. And even though the earliest possible flight we could catch is at 2:30 that afternoon, I still found myself hauling my stuff out to my dad's car so I could sit at the airport all day.  But before I left I had  to play in the snow. I mean, it snows once a year in Texas.  If we're lucky.  So, I dragged my brother and sisters out of bed so they could play in the snow with me :)

And so that was the snow last week.  More about last weekend and Colorado later. Thanks for reading.

Love Always

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