Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Remember Me?

You do? Oh thank you, I'm so happy you do! So, I have some catching up to do because this whole 30 days of blogging has kinda turned into a couple days of blogging with the posts packed with things I was supposed to say. Yeah, I'm not good at this. Oh, well.

Day 16(from Saturday): A picture of yourself.

Day 17(from Sunday): someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why. 
That's a hard one. Probably like, Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber, just because I would would want to know what it'd be like to have millions of fans and in Taylor's case, super-human-song-writing abilities. 

Day 18(from Monday): Plans/dreams/goals you have. 
Well, I would love to be an orthopedic or something.  And I totally want to still be involved in gymnastics when I get older just because it is such a big part of my life.  And college is a for sure on the "plans" list. 

Day 19:Write about a sweet memory from your past. 
I honestly can't think of one in particular.  Last summer though, was just like, one big awesome memory. 

Love Always

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