Thursday, March 31, 2011

Painting nails with the little sis :)

On Sunday (actually, all weekend long, we only had time on Sunday) Becca asked me to paint her nails.  I love having a little sister. Sometimes. ;)

And then I told her I was going to have Hannah (my older sister, incase you're new here) paint my nails.  But her response was, "Oh no Buggy! I'LL paint your nails," yes, she calls me Buggy, that is her nick name for me.  The story behind that will come another time. 

Left hand:)  :

 "Oopsies! I got a little on your skin,":

"Don't worry, I'll fix it!":

It was pretty fun. I love my baby sister. However, my happy feelings were crushed when she took all of her nail polish off on Tuesday. 

Love Always

P.S. Nail Polish: Sally Hansen Blazing Blue and Pronto Purple 

Friday, March 25, 2011

I have an attractive green/purple slightly brownish bump on my knee. go along with the giant scare on the back of my head.  Gymnastics, why do you do these things to me?  I debated putting up a picture.  But then you would get grossed out and stop reading.  And I DON'T want that.

Today was the end of the quarter for school.  My school that is; homeschool.  So basically my mom told us yesterday if we met our percentages (we have percents for TXVA [Texas Virtual Academy] instead of grades) we would be able to do whatever for the rest of the week.  Well, just until Friday that is.  And I finished all my work be about 10:00 this morning, so the rest of my day was filled with sitting in a comfy chair watching Psych all day.  I'm so productive. 

But, happy Friday! Anyone have any fun plans for the weekend? 

Love Always 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My little brother is adorable.

I always joke around with my little brother, Henry, that he needs abs if he wants to get a girl next year (when we will be going back to school.)  So, as I'm sitting here he is on my floor doing crunches. Ahh I love him.

So, I've become aware of how painfully depressing I have been. Don't worry, I'm happy now.  I'm sorry if I'm made you painfully depressed as well. So here is a happy to go with your Thursday!

Love Always

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stress meter.

This is my stress meter:
Come to think of it... my stress level is passed the red line and is going into AAARGH!

Forgive me if I have a mental breakdown sometime in the next two weeks. 

Love Always 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Life is...

...beautiful and cruel all at the same time.

Love Always

There is way to much in this post for one specific title.

So umm, CRAZY past couple of days. I. Love. Break. 'Nough said.
But, I guess I could fill you in on how this week went.  So, on Thursday morning at like 5 o'clock the rest of my family went to Colorado for my sister's volleyball tourny.  However, because I have state in a couple of weeks, my coach did NOT want me to miss so I could go sit on my butt for 4 days.  But in short, this is how my week went...
Monday-Tuesday: Nothing interesting. Just gym.
Wednesday: Went to my aunt's house (that night).
Thursday: Gym in the A.M. That night I went to dinner with my aunt and uncle, my other aunt and uncle, and my grandparents (Nonna and Pappap).  And also with my gorgeous cousin Stephie who just got her braces off and now she's got the most beautiful smile ever. :)
Friday: Gym that morning.  Then, that night I went to dinner with my aunt and uncle, my other aunt and uncle, and Stephie, and her friends that I'm friends with too, Alex and Nate.  I love hanging out with those guys.  Seriously, funniest. Ever.  Then we got Frosties and I spent the night at Steph's house.
Saturday: Got up early and went to Steph's rehearsal (she's a ballerina), then lunch with friends. Then I went back to my aunt's house and spent the evening in my room with a movie because they had some people over.
Sunday: Church super early. Then I went to breakfast with Nonna and Pappap (I swear I've eaten out more this week than I have in the past week.)  And then we went to the Allen Outlets and I found some super cute tops at GAP.  Then we went home and I read Anne Frank like crazy because I mom wants me to finish it.

So I'm thinking, I've missed so many days of this 30 Day Challenge thing already, catching up would be boring for you.  So I'm just gonna start up again on Day 20: Write a letter to someone.
Dear Lindsey,
The other night, I was in my email and I stumbled across some of the emails we used to send to each other like every single day.  It made me laugh, but it also made me sad.  We were so sarcastic it's hilarious, but it also made me realize how we aren't as close as we used to be and for that I hate my back and the stupid injury it gave me.  How it took me out for 6 months and so we didn't talk as much.  I miss having you as my best friend chica, ilsym :)

Love Always

P.S. Y'all are probably tired of hearing about Lindsey. Sucks for you.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Something new...

[Sally Hansen Insta-Dri: Whirlwind White]

Thoughts on white nail polish?  I'm not quite sure if I like it yet...

Love Always 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Remember Me?

You do? Oh thank you, I'm so happy you do! So, I have some catching up to do because this whole 30 days of blogging has kinda turned into a couple days of blogging with the posts packed with things I was supposed to say. Yeah, I'm not good at this. Oh, well.

Day 16(from Saturday): A picture of yourself.

Day 17(from Sunday): someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why. 
That's a hard one. Probably like, Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber, just because I would would want to know what it'd be like to have millions of fans and in Taylor's case, super-human-song-writing abilities. 

Day 18(from Monday): Plans/dreams/goals you have. 
Well, I would love to be an orthopedic or something.  And I totally want to still be involved in gymnastics when I get older just because it is such a big part of my life.  And college is a for sure on the "plans" list. 

Day 19:Write about a sweet memory from your past. 
I honestly can't think of one in particular.  Last summer though, was just like, one big awesome memory. 

Love Always

Friday, March 11, 2011


Day 14(from Thursday): A picture of you and your family.
From left to right: Hannah, Me, Emily, Henry, Rebecca
This was from a whole ago, but that's me and my wonderful siblings. 

From left to right: top-Emily bottom-Hannah, top-Me bottom-Jason, top-Megan bottom-Nikki, top-Rebecca bottom-Stephanie
I love my cousins. I don't know what I would do without them. They make me laugh all the time.  This picture was also from awhile ago, but I love it :)

Day 15: Put your iPod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play. 
1: Penny Lane - The Beatles
2: Mamma Mia - ABBA
3: What If - Nichole Nordeman 
4: Lady Marmalade - Christina Aguilera
5: This Is Your Life - Switchfoot
6: Leave (Get Out) - JoJo ...why I still have the song on my iPod, I have no idea. 
7: Let It Rock - Kevin Rudolf ft. Lil Wayne
8: Which To Bury, Us Or The Hatchet - Relient K
9: Already Over - RED
10: Benediction - Curtis Stephen ...he sings for the LifeTeen mass at my church. He has a CD. He's pretty awesome. 

Love Always

P.S. Incase you didn't understand the title... Father And Mother I Love You : FAMILY.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ooh wait I take that back, I AM in love. I want me some hot German

Meet my new boyfriend...
...I wish. 

This right here is a hot German gymnast by the name of Philipp Boy. And how, might you be wondering, did I stumble across the gorgeous picture. Well...

One day before workout at gym I was you know, minding my own business, looking through my Facebook newsfeed when I saw this post from the USA Gymnastics page. It had pictures from the men's Podium Training for the American Cup.  And oh, that ^^ is not all.
Oh baby.  See, the bad thing about the guys at my gym... they aren't ripped like that. And the only ones that are close to looking like that are like 12.  Bummer.  I wouldn't mind working out with guys that have 28 packs.  Seriously. 

So yeah, day 13 (from yesterday): your 5 favorite books and why.
I guess if I really think about it, the Bible is my favorite book.  It's the book I read when I'm happy, sad, angry, whatever. 
Second favorite would be hmm... Just Listen by Sarah Dessen.  I love this book so much.  I really love all her books because they're real.  It is romance but it's not all, I'm dating the captain of the football team type of thing.  It has more things that everyone goes through.  
Third favorite, Lock and Key also by Sarah Dessen.  This is one of my favorites because its so deep.  Plus I'm totally gonna get a key necklace one of these days. 
Fourth favorite is The Traveler's Gift. This book has so much wisdom packed into not a lot of pages.  I think you should read it. 
My fifth favorite book would probably be The Unexpected Gift.  My coach gave me this book a while ago.  It's just a little inspiring gymnastics story, but I love it.  

Love Always

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mardi Gras

Happy fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, day before Ash Wednesday!
Today is the last day of Facebook for me until Easter! This is going to be hard, but I think it will be a good hard. But, I LOVE JESUS, He died for me, I can give up Facebook for 40 days for Him. That's some motivation right there.
Does anyone else do lent?  What are you giving up?

On to day 12: write a love poem to someone you love.

Do you remember we were sittin' there by the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time.
You made a rebel of a careless mans careful daughter,
You are the best thing, that's ever been mine.

Sound familiar? Well, for one, I can't write poetry on the spot., and so this is not original. And two, I am not in love.

No copyright intended or whatever. I own nothing. Credit to Taylor Swift (<-- can you tell I've never written a disclaimer?)

Love Always

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dude, we should totally do this.

I have found my self saying this to my friends, sisters, and other random people sometimes.  But hey, now I get to write all these "dude, we should totally do this someday"s down. So here we go. Day 11: write a bucket list of things you want to do before you die.

Travel to Europe
Write a song. A good one.
Coach gymnastics, even if it's little girls.
Help stop abortion.
Get more than one follower. So, if you are reading, and you AREN'T Lindsey... you should follow me. :)
Live on the beach.

If I think of anything else outlandish that I would like to do before I die... I will let you know. But for now, that's all.

Love Always

Sunday, March 6, 2011

YAY I'm caught up!

Day 10: A song you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad.

This confuses me.  Am I supposed to say one song that I listen to when I am feeling all those different things or five different songs that I listen to.  Hmm...
I love the song. Pony (It's OK) by Erin McCarley.  I listen to it when I am happy, sad, bored, and yes mad... not so much hyped though.  A song I listen to when I'm hyped would be... maybe So Beautiful by Superchick.

Well anyways, I hope you have a great week!

Love Always

Day 9... wow I'm really behind on this.

Day 9: Something you are proud of in the past few days.

This one is easy.  I just got back from a big gymnastics meet in Houston.  And at this meet, on bars, my starting score was a 10.00.  That means I met all the requirements.  And no, I didn't get a 10.00, it was actually a 8.905, but that's not the point.  The point is that bars is not my best event.  Actually, it's my worst, so, this was a big thing for me.  And April even said that it was a, "rockstar bar routine."  Yes ma'am I can do bars. Ohh yeahh:)

Love Always

Goal time.

Day 8: A list of short term goals for this month and why.

Stay with my lent promise... no facebook.
Boost my endurance for State.
Get better at blogging. :)
Drink more water. (why? I have no idea, it just came to me.  Possibly because I have a glass of water right next to me.)
Get a babysitting job.

That's all. I hope you enjoyed my short term goals that weren't very impressive.

Love Always

I know I'm bad at this... don't make fun.

This is day 7 continued.  I bet you have stopped reading right now, and I have talking (typing?) to nothing, but if you are reading, I appreciate you sticking with my horrible blogging abilities. Thank you.
So, on with someone/something that has a HUGE impact on me... I already mentioned my sisters. Emily and Hannah.  They mean the world to me and right now, Emily is in Rome (possibly Greece though...) for college and I think you should read her blog.   Another person that has a huge impact on me is my coach April.  The only picture I have of us is from forever ago and it's blehh. But I have known her for a long time and she has been my coach basically since I started gymnastics. I refer to her as my second mom; she refers to me as half her kid. 
Another someone that has made a big impact on my life is this pretty lady

A while ago I had this problem with sticking up for myself.  This same girl would always get to me and say nasty things to me that would get me so upset, and I did nothing about it.  But Lindsey was always there to stand up for me and she taught me how not take crap from people.  Honestly... one of the most important things I've learned. 

I guess I haven't realized how big of an impact gymnastics has made on my life.  I've been doing gymnastics since I was 8, and it has always been a part of me.  Gymnastics has taught me so many life lessons like discipline,confidence, and also courage.  My whole life isn't centered around gymnastics.  I sort of have a life, but that doesn't mean it isn't a big part of it. 

A couple other someones/somethings that have made an impact on me are my mom and dad, my other brother and sister, music, and my cousins Josh and Stephie. 

Love Always

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 7. TBC...

So, I am the worst packer.  Ever.  Like seriously, I am supposed to be packing to go to Houston tomorrow for a gymnastics meet.  I am getting up, going to practice for like two hours, and then leaving for Houston straight from the gym.  So, very briefly, here is one of my favorite pictures in the whole world of two of my favorite people ever that have always encouraged me, and never ever let me down.

And this is the picture that describes us perfectly...
...I love my sisters.

I should seriously get back to packing or we might never leave, but I have so much more to say.  So I'm going to make this a TBC. To Be Continued....
 Happy Thursday!

Love Always

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day Numba Five and Six

Day 5: A place of somewhere you've been.

You probably have already seen this. This is me and my friend and teammate Kathryn in Colorado.  Aren't those mountains breathtaking?  So yeah, that is a picture of a place I have been. 

And as for day number 6, I haven't really ever liked superheros.  Not my thing.  But I have to say, I do like the movie Spiderman.  That's all. :)

Happy Wednesday!

Love Always

P.S. I am so sorry if my posts seem boring.  But thank you for reading! I love you for that! 
P.P.S. I'm also sorry that Day 5 was late!