Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Boys are stupid.

And completely clueless for that matter.  Because, I never thought that you could actually loose a best friend.  Friends drift apart, yes.  But BEST FRIENDS?!  It's news to me that best friends drift.  When you have been through so much together it's strange to think that you don't talk anymore.  AND WHY THE H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS ARE YOU BEING AN ARROGANT JERK?!

Well, thanks for letting me vent.

Boys are dumb,


Sunday, August 14, 2011

WOW, Long time no see friends.

Hey there, it's been what? 4 months. Heehee, I wouldn't be surprised if no one is reading anymore, but I still can't bring myself to delete this little bloggitty bolg. So, what's new? Highschool. Started that on Thursday. Drama? Yes, already on the first two days of school. Yay, this should be fun. :|

Anyone still reading? I love you.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

This relationship isn't working out so well.

It's not you, it's me.  I feel like I have nothing exciting to say because how interesting can my life be? Seriously. 

So I guess I won't be posting on a semi regular basis anymore, (not like how I was posting before was regular or anything...) just when something interesting happens or when I go back to school or when I have that photoshoot with Lindsey

Tata loves,


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Tank/Cardigan: Target, Skirt, Kohl's, Shoes: Target

Hi lovelies! Happy Easter to you! Today and yesterday have been a total blurr. 

Yesterday bright and early 6:15 actually, I hauled my butt up to the convention center to watch my lovely big sis play in a volleyball tournament. 
She's pretty awesome. 

And then last night was pretty normal.  You know, my neighbor came over and then he and my brother danced to Taylor Swift in my bedroom.  Just another normal Saturday night.  And I helped my mom with the food prep. 

More on Easter tomorrow. Right now, I'm tired and I'm going to bed. TTYL. 


He Died For Me. I Live For Him.

Don't get me wrong, I love peeps, and the Easter Bunny, and candy, and chocolate.  But for me, it all doesn't matter in the end. 

Roughly 2000 years ago one Man, showed love greater than anyone could ever fathom.  He died on a cross. 

Not because, we are great people, and we are worthy of it, he died for our sins. 

And on the 3rd day, he rose

That is what I believe.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Photography, Photoshoot, and.... Outfit Post?

Sunday afternoon, Hannah and I had a fun little photoshoot, and I have to say, Sunday was a milestone in my blogging life.  Why?  Because I realized I should outfit post.  And that I love photography even though I suck at it.  

Romper: Kohl's, Necklace: gift, Earrings: Forever 21
Skirt: Target, Cardigan/Tank: ? Necklace: gift 

So, this is going to be my first outfit post! Yay! And I also tried to be a photographer. Fail.
This was the only relatively-cool looking picture. 

This picture is great not because of my mad photography skills, but because I seriously think my 9 year old sister could model.  But yes, I did take this picture... just incase you think it's awesome and all. :)

And I don't know why I think this picture is cool.... I just do.
Yes, this is like the one up there but take a closer look cause it isn't.  Ha.

So that was my attempt at photography when my sister here, is amazing at it.  Hannah, just to clarify that. 

It was hard deciding which ones to put up cause they're all so good. 

And here are a few pics we took just goofing off.  I love my siblings. 
I tried to make her look at the sun.  Didn't work out too well. 
I told her she looked dead so she thought the flowers would help...

they didn't...

so I sat on her. 

Henry likes to hit people with sticks.  I don't like that very much.

We're attractive. 

Rebecca wanted to be a photographer.

Poor Bex just wanted a picture....

but Henry wanted to sit on her head. 

Just another normal Sunday afternoon at my house. 

Ta ta for now loves.  Have a happy(or not?) Good Friday, and a wonderful Easter!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Life is...

I'm gonna change this one up a bit...

Life gives you parents to teach you what NOT to do in a marriage.


Monday, April 18, 2011

She's indecisive. She can't decide.

Yes that's me.  The one that can't decide.  But anyways... remember here when I said that sometime in the near future I would come up with a new blog name? As you can see, today is the near future.  I have redone the ol' bloggy and come up with something that is *gasp* original. 


And I am not sure if I should change the URL to it as well.  Hmm.  So, I'm thinking I'll put that one to a vote.  To change the URL or not to change the URL?


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mark your calenders folks!

Cause Parachute's new album "The Way It Was" is coming out May17!
[Official Album Cover]

That is also the day that my sister Emily get's back from Rome.  If you would just love to check out what she has been up to... click here.

Love Always

Life is...

hard when it seems like everything is falling apart and there is nothing you can do to fix it.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Hey kids, long time no see!

Yes, I am aware that I haven't posted in over a week and I am deeply sorry.

So tomorrow morning bright and early I am going to Rebacca's soccer game.  They're the cool cats. Adorable right?  And then I might be going to the talent show at school (North Hills - old school from last years/school I'm am going to next year).  And then it's off to dinner for my cutie cousin Stephanie's birthday.
...that's her;)

Then Sunday will be filled with a whole lot of nothingness.  Going to Palm Sunday Mass of course, and then I think I'll take a nap.  And read a book.  That's all for now. 

Love Always 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's Over.

My season, I mean. And I am THRILLED! Completely.  I had my state competition on Sunday and I have to say it didn't go as well as I had hoped. See, I whacked my foot on Tuesday (not yesterday silly, LAST Tuesday) and it was swollen to the size of my face. No lie. And so I didn't really get to train vault or floor all week and so my scores were lower on those events than they normally are. But, here is a little peek at my gymnastics, this pic was taken at state on Sunday.
And besides the fact that I'm as pale as an albino, it's not too bad, considering most of the pictures they take are awful. They always catch you at the most awkward positions. 

But, after all that stressing, it was a good meet! We just really had fun, and my coaches were all laughing hysterically at one another. It was fun.  And now I'm a level 8! Woot! Finally. Seriously, I've been doing level 7 for waaaayyyyyyy too long. Because I hurt my back one season, and I couldn't compete another time, ugh, but I'm so happy I'm done, and a level 8 now! 

Love Always 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Painting nails with the little sis :)

On Sunday (actually, all weekend long, we only had time on Sunday) Becca asked me to paint her nails.  I love having a little sister. Sometimes. ;)

And then I told her I was going to have Hannah (my older sister, incase you're new here) paint my nails.  But her response was, "Oh no Buggy! I'LL paint your nails," yes, she calls me Buggy, that is her nick name for me.  The story behind that will come another time. 

Left hand:)  :

 "Oopsies! I got a little on your skin,":

"Don't worry, I'll fix it!":

It was pretty fun. I love my baby sister. However, my happy feelings were crushed when she took all of her nail polish off on Tuesday. 

Love Always

P.S. Nail Polish: Sally Hansen Blazing Blue and Pronto Purple 

Friday, March 25, 2011

I have an attractive green/purple slightly brownish bump on my knee.

...to go along with the giant scare on the back of my head.  Gymnastics, why do you do these things to me?  I debated putting up a picture.  But then you would get grossed out and stop reading.  And I DON'T want that.

Today was the end of the quarter for school.  My school that is; homeschool.  So basically my mom told us yesterday if we met our percentages (we have percents for TXVA [Texas Virtual Academy] instead of grades) we would be able to do whatever for the rest of the week.  Well, just until Friday that is.  And I finished all my work be about 10:00 this morning, so the rest of my day was filled with sitting in a comfy chair watching Psych all day.  I'm so productive. 

But, happy Friday! Anyone have any fun plans for the weekend? 

Love Always 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My little brother is adorable.

I always joke around with my little brother, Henry, that he needs abs if he wants to get a girl next year (when we will be going back to school.)  So, as I'm sitting here he is on my floor doing crunches. Ahh I love him.

So, I've become aware of how painfully depressing I have been. Don't worry, I'm happy now.  I'm sorry if I'm made you painfully depressed as well. So here is a happy to go with your Thursday!

Love Always

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stress meter.

This is my stress meter:
Come to think of it... my stress level is passed the red line and is going into AAARGH!

Forgive me if I have a mental breakdown sometime in the next two weeks. 

Love Always 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Life is...

...beautiful and cruel all at the same time.

Love Always

There is way to much in this post for one specific title.

So umm, CRAZY past couple of days. I. Love. Break. 'Nough said.
But, I guess I could fill you in on how this week went.  So, on Thursday morning at like 5 o'clock the rest of my family went to Colorado for my sister's volleyball tourny.  However, because I have state in a couple of weeks, my coach did NOT want me to miss so I could go sit on my butt for 4 days.  But in short, this is how my week went...
Monday-Tuesday: Nothing interesting. Just gym.
Wednesday: Went to my aunt's house (that night).
Thursday: Gym in the A.M. That night I went to dinner with my aunt and uncle, my other aunt and uncle, and my grandparents (Nonna and Pappap).  And also with my gorgeous cousin Stephie who just got her braces off and now she's got the most beautiful smile ever. :)
Friday: Gym that morning.  Then, that night I went to dinner with my aunt and uncle, my other aunt and uncle, and Stephie, and her friends that I'm friends with too, Alex and Nate.  I love hanging out with those guys.  Seriously, funniest. Ever.  Then we got Frosties and I spent the night at Steph's house.
Saturday: Got up early and went to Steph's rehearsal (she's a ballerina), then lunch with friends. Then I went back to my aunt's house and spent the evening in my room with a movie because they had some people over.
Sunday: Church super early. Then I went to breakfast with Nonna and Pappap (I swear I've eaten out more this week than I have in the past week.)  And then we went to the Allen Outlets and I found some super cute tops at GAP.  Then we went home and I read Anne Frank like crazy because I mom wants me to finish it.

So I'm thinking, I've missed so many days of this 30 Day Challenge thing already, catching up would be boring for you.  So I'm just gonna start up again on Day 20: Write a letter to someone.
Dear Lindsey,
The other night, I was in my email and I stumbled across some of the emails we used to send to each other like every single day.  It made me laugh, but it also made me sad.  We were so sarcastic it's hilarious, but it also made me realize how we aren't as close as we used to be and for that I hate my back and the stupid injury it gave me.  How it took me out for 6 months and so we didn't talk as much.  I miss having you as my best friend chica, ilsym :)

Love Always

P.S. Y'all are probably tired of hearing about Lindsey. Sucks for you.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Something new...

[Sally Hansen Insta-Dri: Whirlwind White]

Thoughts on white nail polish?  I'm not quite sure if I like it yet...

Love Always 